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ॐ GAYATRI MANTRA FOR PURIFICATION CONSCIOUSNESS AND DEVELOPMENT INTUITION ॐ "O thou existence #Absolute , #Creator of the three dimensions, we contemplate upon thy divine light. May He stimulate our #intellect and bestow upon us true #knowledge ." #GayatriMantra is recited by a #spiritual aspirant to remember the higher purpose of life, it can also be a invocation or prayer to the supreme god to lift our consciousness upwards. When one's intelligence and intuition are developed by the recitation of the #mantra, the activating deity is #Gayatri . When the life-forces are protected, the guardian deity is called Savitri. When one's speech is protected, the deity is called Saraswati. Because of the protective roles of Savithri, Saraswati and Gayatri, in relation to life, speech and the intellect, Gayatri is described as "Sarva-devatā-swarūpiñi" - the embodiment of all goddesses. Om Bhûr Bhuvah Svaha Tat Savitur Varenyam Bhargo Devasya Dhîmahi Dhiyo Yo Nah Prachodayat Meaning of the individual words: Om: The sacred word, word of creation, first word, word of god; (Equivalent of Holy Ghost in trinity) usually used at the beginning of a hymn. Bhur: The physical plane of existence (which is of the nature of 5 elements). Bhuvah: The astral plane of existence (which is of the nature of subtle elements). Svaha: The causal plane or celestial plane (plane where the existence is as subtle as ideas or notions, from which creation happens). Tat: That, God, (Equivalent of son, in the Christian Trinity of Father, Son and Holy Ghost). Savitúr : Source of all, creation, supreme reality, Divine illumination (of goddess Savitri or Shakti). Váreṇyaṃ: the foremost, fit to be worshiped, deserving oblations. Bhárgo: Great spiritual effulgence, Radiant one, one who illumines all. Devásya: Godly, divine reality, of divinity, Virtuous and joyous. Dhīmahi: We meditate on you; Dhee (intellect); Thus Dhimahi means we focus our intellect on you. Dhíyo: Intellect, intelligence, reasoning and discriminating faculty which is a tool for attaining higher wisdom. Yo: Who, One is who being prayed, You (supreme one). Nah: Our (intellect). pracodáyāt: Stimulate, Propel towards the higher reality. ************************************************************************ Mantra - it is a combination of special sounds and vibrations that purify space, body, mind and consciousness from negative energies. Mantra – it is an ancient sacred formula that gives a powerful Divine energy, it is the key that opens the way to the Supreme Divine knowledge. Repeat the mantras possible any number of times, but the most importantly the number of repetitions has to be a multiple of three. You can repeat them 3,6,9,15 ... times, but the best effect is obtained with a daily repetition of mantras 108 times, because the number of one hundred and eight is considered sacred. One – it symbolizes the Supreme Divine Energy, zero – it is the perfection of God's creation and eight – it is a symbol of eternity and infinity in an inverted form. In order not to make mistakes in counting the number of times they recommend to use the rosary. Rosary also helps to concentrate better on the mantra and sensations and also while singing mantras it is charging with powerful energy and can serves as an excellent talisman and amulet. - Subscribe for new videos: - Mantras for protection: - Mantras of wealth and prosperity: - Mantras of health and longevity: - Mantras of beauty and youth: - Mantras of love: - Mantras of wish-fulfilling: - Mantras of spiritual development: ************************************************************************
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