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Музыка для Медитации - Мантра Интуиции, Открывающая Внутреннее Видение


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The intuition mantra is very powerful for opening the third eye There are many practices that contribute to the development of psychic abilities. One of the most effective and at the same time simple techniques is a very powerful intuition mantra. This spiritual practice is aimed at revealing the abilities to read the aura and clairvoyance. It is suitable even for beginners. Mantras for intuition (opening of the third eye) are sacred texts that help to concentrate on the sixth chakra, which is responsible for the ability to empathy and clairvoyance. Activation includes meditation, exercises for proper breathing and visualization. Intuition in Hinduism and Buddhism is the connection of consciousness with the subconscious. With the maximum development of abilities, a person can predict the future, identify diseases and read the auras of other people. The development of psychic abilities requires long practice. Spiritual teaching involves working with very powerful energy flows. There will be no result if you do not follow all the rules of meditation.
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