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I’M Light. I’M Infinite. I’M The Channel. I’M Expanding. I’M Psychedelic. I’M Vibration. I’M Timeless. I’M Unity. I’M Activating. I’M Resonant. I’M Galactic. I’M Radiant. I’M Defined. I’M Electric. I’M Lunar. I’M Magnetic. I’M Planetary. I’M Balanced. I’M Organized. I’M Connected. I’M Inspired. I’M In Harmony. I’M In-tegrity. I’M Perfect. I’M Manifestation. I’M Dissolving. I’M Releasing. I’M Liberated. I’M Dedicated. I’M Universalized and Divine, Transcending Mantra. I’M Being. I’M Communicating. I’M Spirit. I’M Breathing. I’M Cosmic. I’M Essence. I’M Power. I’M Action. I’M Dreaming. I’M Abundance. I’M Intuition. I’M God. I’M Extreme. I’M Internal and External. I’M Flowering. I’M The Clocking. I’M Aware. I’M Lifeforce. I’M Surviving. I’M DMT. I’M Spiraling. I’M Arc. I’M Accomplishing. I’M Healing. I’M Beauty. I’M Elegance. I’M Pure. I’M Flowing. I’M Love. I’M Chakras. I’M Co-inciding. I’M Playing. I’M Magic. I’M Elusive. I’M Free Will. I’M Wise. I’M Exploring. I’M Space and Time. I’M Waking Life. I’M Vivid. I’M Enchanting. I’M Timelessness and Complete, Infinite Design. I’M Alien. I’M Human. I’M Receptive. I’M Vision. I’M Energy. I’M Mindful. I’M Questioning. I’M Answering. I’M Intelligent. I’M Fearless. I’M Evolving. I’M Opening My Third Eye to the Unseen Vision, Translating. I’M Synchronicity. I’M Reflecting. I’M Endlessness. I’M Order and Chaos. I’M The Tao. I’M Crystalized. I’M Self-generation. I’M Affirming. I’M Enlightened. I’M Blind. I’M The Tone. I’M The Color. I’M Electronic. I’M Lunar and Solar, Opposite and Polar. I’M Language.I’M Radial. I’M Particles of Plasma. I’M Endurance. I’M Cosmic. I’M Releasing. I’M Liberating. I’M Perfect. I’M Pulsing. I’M Realizing. I’M The One Because The One Are All. I’M Form. I’M The Infinite, Nothing That Becomes The Everything. I’M Symbolic. I’M Relative. I’M The Divine Spirit that Harmonizes with Laws. I’M Projecting. I’M Controlled Experience. I’M Desire. I’M Being. I’M We, We Are You. I'M GALACTIC MANTRA. линк към цялата песен:
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