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MAGIC MANTRA FOR LOVE ATRACTION Chanting this #mantra daily before sunrise improves health, clears the mind, activates the Anahata chakra and purifies your aura. Also, it helps fulfill the cherished desire to find love, get rid of doubts, removes hindrances and brings a state of pure love in the heart. ” #LordKrishna is the lover of #Radha . He displays many amorous pastimes in the groves of Vrndavana, He is the lover of the cowherd maidens of Vraja, and the holder of the great hill named Govardhana. He is the beloved son of mother Yasoda, the delighter of the inhabitants of Vraja, and He wanders in the forests along the banks of the River Yamuna!” #Lord #Krishna is the beloved son of mother Yasoda, the delighter of the inhabitants of Vraja, and He wanders in the forests along the banks of the River Yamuna! This amazing chant is a transcendental love song representing Lord Krishna and Radha, the Divine couple, all-attractive and playful. Lord Krishna is universally considered to be an Avatar, a direct descent of God. He is one of the many names of Vishnu (The Supreme God) and is believed to be an incarnation of Lord Vishnu, the protector of the world. Moreover, He, like Rama, is also well-known for his courage in eliminating evil forces throughout his life. Radha, also called #Radhikarani, #Radhika and #Radharani, is a #Hindu #Goddess who is almost always portrayed alongside Lord Krishna and appears prominently within the theology of today’s Gaudiya Vaishnava and Vallabha Hindu sects, which considers Goddess Radha as the original Shakti or Goddess. Therefore, Radha is the Supreme Goddess. In addition, Radha is also the main god of adoration in the Hamsa Sampradaya, as Sri Nimbarka, the founder of the tradition, declared that Radha and Krishna together constitute the absolute truth. In fact, Goddess Radha is so important in Krishna consciousness, that Goddess is always adored and worshiped alongside with Lord Krishna and followers are encouraged to pray to the Goddess if they want to please Krishna. Lyrics of mantra: Jaya radha madhava, Jaya kunja bihari, Jaya gopi jana vallabha, Jaya giri vara djari, Jaya jasoda nandana, Jaya braja jana ranjana, Jaya jamuna tira vana chari ************************************************************************ Mantra - it is a combination of special sounds and vibrations that purify space, body, mind and consciousness from negative energies. Mantra – it is an ancient sacred formula that gives a powerful Divine energy, it is the key that opens the way to the Supreme Divine knowledge. Repeat the mantras possible any number of times, but the most importantly the number of repetitions has to be a multiple of three. You can repeat them 3,6,9,15 ... times, but the best effect is obtained with a daily repetition of mantras 108 times, because the number of one hundred and eight is considered sacred. One – it symbolizes the Supreme Divine Energy, zero – it is the perfection of God's creation and eight – it is a symbol of eternity and infinity in an inverted form. In order not to make mistakes in counting the number of times they recommend to use the rosary. Rosary also helps to concentrate better on the mantra and sensations and also while singing mantras it is charging with powerful energy and can serves as an excellent talisman and amulet. - Subscribe for new videos: - Mantras for protection: - Mantras of wealth and prosperity: - Mantras of health and longevity: - Mantras of beauty and youth: - Mantras of love: - Mantras of wish-fulfilling: - Mantras of spiritual development: ************************************************************************
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